Saturday, September 24, 2011

Just shot an interview with the @AccidentalPerv Andrew Goffman for @TheaterFanatics - so much fun!!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Verizon is trying to sell me the whole store with this @DroidBionic

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Working With Dallas

A couple of weeks ago I started working with Dallas Travers to help kick-start my career up a notch. Perhaps it's more accurate to say JUMP START my career up several notches. Okay - if I'm going to be totally honest, I started working with Dallas to RESUSCITATE my career from near death! I've worked with a lot of various types of teachers and coaches to develop my skills as an actor, singer and dancer. I have learned a lot from all of them in spite of myself and and in spite of themselves. What I mean by that is, I have often felt a great deal of frustration, animosity and general negative energy in many of these classes. Dallas is totally different! The first thing that is very evident about her is that she appears to be a genuinely happy person. She also seems to come from a place of sincere desire to help actors market themselves, get jobs and most importantly be happy themselves. Dallas radiates charisma, charm and confidence. She has a fun, positive, easygoing manner which allows me to really hear all the valuable things she has to offer. I signed up for Dallas' weekly coaching calls and a follow-up workshop in October. I'm looking forward to "doing less more often" and seeing the long-term results I have observed in many others that have worked with Dallas. Lastly, Dallas has a great blog and invites guest writers to contribute to her blog frequently. A Life Coach named Genie Kahn quoted author John Updike regarding his take on "perfectionism" which is a state of mind that I constantly suffer with. John Updike wrote that “perfectionism is the enemy of creation.” Genie wrote "Isn’t it about working to be the best you can be? There is no perfect, only a better you. Carried to extremes, perfection is toxic as well as paralyzing. You know this." He's right! And she's right!